One Program multiple tracks:

Programs currently range from:

  1. A 9-week peaking program for competitions or mock meets. The first 4 weeks focus on higher volume and lower intensity. Week 5 serves as a de-load phase to prepare for the final push. In the last four weeks, the program ramps up intensity with heavier loads to maximize strength and ensure you’re at your best on meet/test day. Week 9 culminates in your competition or mock meet, followed by a de-load in week 10 to prepare for the next training phase. Each 9-week phase is different from the last to keep things fresh. 

  2. An off-season muscle-building program consisting of 2 squat days, 3 bench press days, and 1 deadlift day. The program focuses on strength progressions, metcons, and lots of accessory work.

  3. Available 2/1/25: A 15-week bench press program builds strength and refines technique through progressive overload and accessory work, all while maintaining squat and deadlift performance. Strategic volume and intensity adjustments ensure steady progress across all three lifts, peaking for maximum performance.

  • Key equipment for Breaking Barriers Powerlifting includes a barbell, weight plates, a squat rack, a bench, and dumbbells. Most well-equipped public gyms, CrossFit facilities, or garage gyms should provide everything necessary for your success.

  • A variety of tracks within a single program to deliver a comprehensive experience, multiple programs for a single price. 

  • Smart programming for powerlifters and strength training enthusiasts alike. Whether your goal is to crush PRs on the platform, build unstoppable strength, or dominate every lift, our online programs are your ultimate training partner. Designed with powerlifting in mind, we’ll help you unleash your potential and achieve success in every rep. 

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